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Focus On These Key Facilitation Tips To Avoid Failure

Writer's picture: JD SolomonJD Solomon

Facilitating in the facilities, infrastructure, and environment sectors follow good practice for any market sector.
Facilitating in the facilities, infrastructure, and environment sectors follow good practice for any market sector.

Good facilitators do a respectable job at both planning and executing their sessions, and normally excel at one or the other. Keeping the basic facilitation roles and responsibilities in mind allows the facilitator to focus during sessions and to improve in key areas between assignments. Focusing on three troubleshooting skills also helps separate the good from the average facilitator.

Basic Facilitation Roles and Responsibilities

Facilitation has many definitions. The industry-leading definition, and the operable definition used throughout this paper, is "a facilitated session is a structured meeting in which the meeting leader (the facilitator) guides the participants through a series of predefined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all participants.

  1. Prepare in advance - “who, what, when, why, where, and “how”

  2. Plan and distribute the written agenda

  3. Define objectives at the beginning of the event

  4. Establish expectations

  5. Guide the group in presenting and sharing information

  6. Provide closure and reiterate action items

Basic Troubleshooting

There are three areas of troubleshooting skills that are common to all good facilitators. Good facilitators are respectable in all three areas. Great facilitators excel in all three subgroups.

Staying On-Task and On-Time

Staying on-task and on-time include:

  • Remind the group of the keep-focused expectation

  • Do not be afraid to directly re-focus the group on a particular agenda item

  • Try to close each item or set it aside in a “parking lot” for consideration later

  • Let the group decide on tradeoffs between staying on-task or on time when issues arise

Dealing with unproductive behavior

Facilitators understand that some form of unproductive behavior during a session is the norm and not the exception. Some tips for dealing with unproductive behavior include:

  • Use gentle and appropriate humor for redirection

  • Restate the ground rules directly

  • Direct questions to the individual for clarification

  • Seek help from the group

  • Address the issue during a break or offline

Stimulating Productive Inquiry, especially related to subject matter experts (SMEs)

Stimulating productive inquiry is truly both a function of planning and execution. It also requires practice and experience working in different situations. Finding the balance between SMEs that either dominate or retreat from engagement is important for discussion to be productive.

  • Use probing questions

  • Invite the experts to speak up

  • Call on individuals in the group

  • Invite debate

Applying It

Keeping the basic facilitation roles and responsibilities in mind allows the facilitator to focus during sessions and to improve in key areas between assignments. It starts with learning and delivering the basic duties well. Focusing on three troubleshooting skills helps separate the good from the average facilitator.


JD Solomon Inc provides facilitation, asset management, and program development solutions at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Contact us for more information on providing facilitation for your organization or training your future facilitators.


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