On February 1, 2024, the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) released its Systems Engineering Subject Specific Guidance (SSG). JD Solomon served as a core team member of the multi-year effort. Solomon previously served as the project leader for the Maintenance Delivery and Asset Operations SSG (SSGs 15 & 17).
The Systems Engineering SSG (SSG 13) illustrates how systems engineering complements the rest of the asset management life cycle and the six fundamental subject groups. Systems engineering can be applied to any systems/ assets and is typically applied during the acquisition phase but is equally applicable in operational and decommissioning life cycle phases.
The Systems Engineering SSG was produced by the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) through the significant efforts of many individuals and organizations. The Institute thanks the following, in particular, for their contributions.
Tim Ingram (SSG Lead) - Atkins
Mike Brownsword - Realistic EA
JD Solomon - JD Solomon Inc.
Mike Niblett - Zupbadura
Rob Gabrielczyk - Aeon Engineering
Dan Wilson - Electricity North West
Adam Wood - Teledyne e2v
David McNaught - Frazer-Nash Consultancy
Gareth Willoughby - Atkins
Robert English - MMI Thornton Tomasetti
Grame Hind - AMCL
Ben Mogridge - Ministry of Defence
Steve Little – TetraTech
Systems engineering within the asset management community includes topics such as Requirements Management, alongside Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), which are generally managed through different disciplines and techniques. However, these elements complement each other and provide overarching assurance that a solution will meet the end user's needs throughout its life.
This SSG is part of a suite of documents designed to expand and enrich the description of the asset management discipline as summarized in the IAM's document 'Asset Management - an Anatomy' (referred to as 'The Anatomy'). This document provides guidance for good Asset Management. SSGs aim to explain the 39 subject areas identified in "The Anatomy".
The Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) is the international professional body for asset management professionals. The IAM develops asset management knowledge and best practice, and generates awareness of the benefits of the asset management discipline for the individual, organizations and wider society. Established in 1994, the IAM currently has over 2000 Individual and 300 Corporate Members and a network of over 30,000 people globally. The Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) is a not-for-profit, professional body. We are owned and controlled by our members and committed to remaining independent from commercial and trade associations.
JD Solomon Inc. provides solutions for program development, asset management, and facilitation at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Subscribe for monthly updates related to our firm.